taking a walk along the river
I am so incredibly thankful that little white dog loves being outdoors. After I saw her at the SPCA, I looked her up online and in her profile it said that she loved to be outdoors. Love is actually putting it mildly. Other than looking out the window or being a snugglebug on the couch or in bed, I think her next favourite thing is being outside. 

I'm thankful I have a dog that likes being outside because I like being outdoors too. I love camping and hiking so it's looking like that will be an activity that we can enjoy together. She loves the dog park a lot but I think she likes the trees and grass more than the other dogs. 

She loves playing in the yard while I'm out working in it too...even when she gets grass stains from rolling around in it. Since we don't let her roam around the yard unsupervised, she has a pen area. Some days she asks to be let out and it takes forever to get back in. On nice days, that's not an issue but white dog doesn't mind the rain, mud or snow. She will undoubtedly come back in the house with a snout full of mud or snow, something that always bring a smile to my face. 
Hi, Chrissy here, on Friday's I'm starting a new series where I let Finley take over the blog and say what she wants. Enjoy!

awko  nbb    ujerdmkom my jkdkjjhsewhjhkj....hmmm momma sure makes this typing thing look easy so i getting her help. No worries I got my paws on her hands to make sure she writes properly. Oooh people outside, no no must concentrate on this blog thing, must...resist...urge...to...bark. So hard for a little dog like me. 
this is me at the dog park
looooove going outside and sometimes momma takes me to the doggie park but I like playing out in the yard too. She and daddy even made me a pen. Momma said it's so I don't pee and poop all over the yard, that's no fun. I like to sit in the corner and watch for neighbours. I must never, ever pass up a chance to bark at them.

Recently, Momma started letting me go out there alone. I likes that lots cause I'm a big girl. I can still Momma peeking out from behind the curtain to make sure I'm alright. She obsesses about it. Silly Momma, there's fence everywhere so I ain't going anywhere. Today I had to go outside so I wouldn't make a mess inside the house and it was soooo cold that Momma didn't even come out and pick up my mess.I thinks Momma needs a nice fur coat like me.