Finley during the car ride home
I used to be a Girl Guide, I was taught to be prepared, so I started preparing for a dog before I even graduated from school. I knew there were certain things I would need once I got a dog and instead of having to purchase them all at once, I did so gradually. I got a couple toys, some bowls, bed, brush, towels, treats, shampoo and even some of those poop bags with a dispenser that clips onto her leash. I was so confident I had what I would need.

Since I wasn’t quite sure what size dog I would be getting I choose to not get a leash or collar, boy did that ever come back to bite me in the butt. I had counted on stopping to get one on my way home or worse, the next day.  We ended up at the shelter around 5pm so we got out of there a couple hours later, and the store was still open so I was able to stop, the only problem was she had no leash when leaving the shelter. Thankfully, she’s small enough to carry but had I gotten a 100lb dog -that might have been a problem.

My dad decided to walk her around her parking lot while I ran into the store to get a collar and leash, but since we had no leash we ended clipping the lanyard I use for my car keys to her. Funny sight, I must admit. We also ended up, stopping for a crate since the SPCA had recommended one for her (more about that later).

We also hadn’t gotten the dog food, figuring we’d get the same kind the shelter feed her, we were able to buy some at the SPCA. By the way, a word of advice for anyone adopting a pet from the Montreal SPCA,  stop at Mondou or Safari on your way home to purchase some, it’s at least 8-10$ less a bag, if you want to keep them on the same food.

Seeing a theme here? Yeah, we weren’t nearly as prepared as we thought we were. The house was a bit of a mess but we were able to shove most of the clutter in the computer and guest rooms and close the door until we had time to tackle it. However, there were a few moments of “where on earth did she get that?”  and “oh crap she found another sock” followed by several minutes of us chasing her around the house to get it back from her. Little dogs can run too fast, way too fast.

I also found out that there were items I had overlooked and ended up going to the store armed with a list a few days after getting her, and then again a couple days after that when I realized I had forgotten some stuff.  So much for thinking I was prepared.